Reserve Stock
Never Miss Out Again!
Please indicate which products and the quantity you would like reserved for you when the next stock shipment arrives.
No pre-payment and no extra fees! And, yes, you can change your mind, cancel or change quantities at anytime.
We will be in touch with you shortly with all the details for your reserved stock.
NOTE: This is not a Pre-Buy, this is reserve only. The difference between the two options are:
1) Pre-Buy is pre-paid and guaranteed stock.
2) Reserving is not a guarantee, it is process of reserving stock for those completing this form. It is on a first-come, first serve basis. You will be notified of your reserved stock shipment arriving and have 24 hours to place your order before your items are released for general sales.
Each item in our store has either a Reserve or Pre-Buy option unless it is Clearance (when it is gone, it is gone).
Stock is fast moving and constantly rotating. Giving you options allows us to serve you the best. When you succeed, we succeed.